Discerning God’s Angels
Something was amiss in Abigail’s life, so she joined a six-week archeological dig in Israel to figure it out. One morning mid-way through her stay, she awoke and saw a six-foot man dressed in a full-length robe standing in the doorway. Stunned but unafraid, she looked at the man and he at her. Something in his appearance and countenance told her he was an angel. After a few seconds, he spoke mentally to her, God exists. Jesus Christ is Savior. He smiled and left as mysteriously as he appeared. Abigail cried her relief and said aloud, “Jesus, I believe. Take my life. Be my Lord.” After this experience, Abigail bought a Bible and when she returned home, she joined a church where she grew in faith and served God.
Did Abigail see one of God’s angels? The angel pointed her to Jesus, the Holy Spirit enabled her to make a confession of faith, she bought a Bible and joined a faith community. Most counterfeit angels simply stare and if they speak it all, they relay mystical knowledge of some sort. God’s angels speak for God and communicate what he is going to do. See Gabriel’s visit to Mary in Luke 1:26-38.
Sharon T Beekmann: Angels, Demons, and the Dead: Casting the Light of Scripture on Spirit Beings (Littleton: Illumify Media Global, 2020) 27-28.